Joseph Endicott's Research Team


Team Members

News and Events 

PTEN paper published online at Journal of Cell Biology

July, 2023

Congratulations to Kathy, Calvin, and all of our collaborators on getting this paper published! Here's a link to the article on the JCB website:

Paper on CMA across the lifespan of genetically heterogeneous mice published in Aging

July, 2023

Congratulations to Kathy, Calvin, and Ilkim on getting this paper published! I'm very grateful to our collaborators at Calico for contributing some of their data to this short article.

Here's a link to the article on the Aging website:

Congrats to Calvin!

April, 2023

I'm happy to announce that Calvin Burns has been promoted to Research Laboratory Specialist!

Pilot Grant Funded (R21 equivalent)

January, 2023

HF-AGE 005 "PTEN as a regulator of chaperone-mediated autophagy, and its effects on the lysosomal targetome"

 We are very happy to accept this R21 equivalent to study the effects of the lifespan-extending PTEN transgene. PTEN is a non-redundant phosphatase whose deficiency is implicated in the pathogenesis of autism, diabetes, and most types of cancer. Global overexpression (OE) of PTEN is sufficient to extend lifespan of both male and female mice. PTEN OE exerts anti-neoplastic effects, and PTEN OE mice show other signs of slowed aging and increased healthspan, such as improved brown adipose function, reduced DNA damage, and improved tightrope performance in 18-24 month-old animals. We will be studying the effects of PTEN OE on the biology of the lysosome.

A very big thanks to AFAR and the Hevolution Foundation!

Read about the grant recipients on the Business Wire:

Joe gives talk at Cold Spring Harbor

September, 2022

Joe will be presenting a talk entitled: "Chaperone-mediated autophagy is required for metabolic reprogramming downstream of PTEN, a tumor suppressor and regulator of longevity" at the Mechanisms of Aging Conference at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories.

Autophagy, PI3K, and Aging Journal Club

September - December, 2022

For Fall Semester, 2022, we will once again be hosting a journal club focusing on Autophagy and Aging, with a special emphasis on the role that the insulin PI3K signaling pathway plays in regulating lifespan. Contact Joe  to see the curriculum, or to join us! Future journal clubs will be held in the summer and fall terms.

CME Lecture

September, 2022

Joe will be giving a CME lecture entitle: "The lifespan extending PTEN transgene regulates metabolism by activating chaperone-mediated autophagy" as part of the seminar series hosted by the Research Education Core for the Claude D Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at UM.

Welcome Calvin!

August, 2022

I'm very happy to welcome Calvin Burns to the research team! After completing his Master's degree in Biomedical Engineering at UM, Calvin will be starting a new area of research: chaperone-mediated autophagy.

PESC Award is Funded to Study CMA, Metabolism, & Aging

July, 2022

A big thanks to the Claude D Pepper Older Americans Independence Center at UM for funding this pilot project to understand the metabolic effects of changes in CMA, and the implications that those changes have on aging and lifespan in mice.

Joe Joins the Pepper Center's Research Education Core

May, 2022

I'm very pleased to take the opportunity to be a part of the Research Education Core at UM! It's an honor to be selected to join this program for the development of junior faculty interested conducting aging research.